Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hair Loss Treatment Clinic Dubai

If you are experiencing moderate to severe hair loss, you may be a suitable candidate for our newest product, Revive. This innovative, shave less system, can give you back your confidence with our revolutionized technology. Check out the Revive for more information.

VTC Non-surgical hair replacement from VIVANDI Trichology Centre has the most cutting edge technology in hair loss, which gives you the look of your own growing hair. After a short consultation, you will be one step closer to the full, long, shiny hair that you’ve missed for so long.

You will no longer have to worry about the sideways glances from others or your own self-consciousness looking in the mirror. Your VTC non surgical hair replacement is 100% natural human hair, lightweight, breathable, secure, and individually customized to you, your life and your style.

Our clients always tell us that their VTC non-surgical hair replacement is so easy to care for. Clients love that they can go swimming or take showers and never have to worry about their hair! VTC Hair Replacement is 100% natural to both the eye and touch.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Redefine Your Look with Flawless Eyelashes!

Eyes are considered as a symbol of beauty and everybody is well aware of it. Eye contact is known as the most communicative contact as sometimes it conveys more about your thoughts and feelings than your words. Majority of us consider our eyes to be a window to our soul and most people would prefer that the frame is just as lovely.

I don't know about you, but eyes are the first thing I notice about a person. Women believe that they can attract anyone with the help of their beautiful eyes, but it is only possible when you have properly groomed eyelashes. No one can deny the importance of eyelashes as far as the beauty of eyes are concerned. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is born with long and luscious lashes but all thanks to eyelash serums that can help you to naturally develop your dream lashes. Don't trust the overnight miracles, there are no overnight miracle eyelash growth serums. The very best of them can increase the growth after three to four weeks of nightly use. As far as the application of serum is concerned, it is essential to thoroughly cleanse your face and remove every last trace of your eyeshadow.

It is very important to try a variety of products in order to find the one that suits you best as eyebrow and eyelash growth products don’t work the same for everyone. The nourishing ingredients, like ginseng, green tea and biotin also protect your eyelashes from external irritants and keep them strong and healthy. LiLash Eyelash Serum was created to redefine how long and lush lashes can power a woman’s look.

You can enhance the beauty of your eyes with clever makeup in order to make them look dazzling. Keep it in your mind that after the successful removal of eyeshadow, you have to treat them with an appropriate eye cream. The best eye care creams are supposed to provide protection and moisture to the skin cells surrounding the eye area. Furthermore, you can enhance the length and curl of eyelashes in Dubai naturally and achieve the global beauty obsession with a sincere cult-like following.

Eye Care Tips:

It is very easy to keep the glow in our eyes alive and make them look healthier with the help of healthy nutrition and effective lifestyle tips. Eyes don’t require a lot of care and maintenance. Vitamin A, D and E plays a vital role in the nourishment of our eyes, so increase their intake. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and drink at least 7 glasses of water daily. Use clean cotton balls for cleansing but don't try to rub your eyes as it is very dangerous for your eyes. 

Always wear sunglasses especially during the peak sunny hours to avoid any damage. The use of cucumber and potato slices on your eyes can protect you from wrinkles and dark circles. Eyes are blessing and taking good care of them is our core responsibility.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Does Makeup Damage Your Skin?

Let’s be honest here, we all wear makeup, or have at some point in time, and anyone who says otherwise is either a saint or a lying sack of manure. We do it because we want to improve our appearance, hide blemishes, or maybe just outright boost our confidence. So it’s no surprise that when someone touts the potential negatives of makeup, it tends to grab our attention. After all why wouldn’t it? Makeup, (speaking for myself here as well) has become an almost integral part of our daily routine. (You’d have better luck finding Bigfoot than me without my foundation).

But how is that seemingly inconspicuous powder really affecting your skin? Makeup itself has a very dark history, from paste made out of lead that permanently disfigures you, to bowls of questionable grease, to going as far as drinking bleach in hopes of achieving fairness. The path to beauty has always been a bloody one. But modern makeup is past to what it was in the dark ages, right?

Probably the most common inconvenience in respect to makeup today (besides applying the blasted thing) is some peoples allergic reactions to some common ingredients found in said products. 

These reactions can be divided in two types:

Irritant contact dermatitis: Which is an itching or burning reaction to a product irritating the skin.
Allergic contact dermatitis: Which is more of an allergy to specific ingredients that results in swelling.

These reactions are commonly the result of fragrances, or some particular ingredients in makeup. 

You might be also displeased to know (I know I was), that makeup can also cause acne. Hold on, you don’t need to bring out the pitchforks just yet. Studies suggest that this can be avoided by removing makeup thoroughly everyday as well removing it after extraneous exercise.

Some makeup however, can contain certain chemicals (oils specifically) that may actually worsen your acne Serum by malibu c Dubai. This type of acne, is ironically referred to as acne cosmetica, (as if normal acne isn’t a headache already). It’s usually mild, and you can recognize it by the reddened bumps on the chin, cheeks and forehead. Acne cosmetica occurs when oils from your makeup collect in and clog your pores. Liquid products are more likely the culprit here rather than powdered ones.

So avoid oil products entirely?

I don’t think it’s quite possible to avoid oil products completely per say, not yet at least. You can however minimize your chance to be victimized by these reactions, I recommend looking for makeup products that are labeled hypoallergenic (they're less likely to cause allergic reactions), noncomedogenic (they won't block pores) and nonacnegenic (they won't cause acne. 

Though finding products with these characteristics is like looking for a needle in a haystack, a good example would be JaneIredale in Dubai. If you do find that you are developing any kind of reaction after you begin using a new makeup product, it's probably a good idea to stop using that particular product and if your condition doesn’t improve, don’t be afraid to consult a dermatologist.

Monday, May 8, 2017

How to Deal with Excessive Hair Loss

Male or female, everyone goes through the phase of hair loss at some point in their life. Whether if your hairstyle is short or long, you can escape the dreadful nightmare of hair loss, as we can imagine that it not only a distressing situation but it also has a negative impact on your appearance.

The aspects that mess with the appearance of the individual can be difficult to deal with, because normally the individual falls a prey to self-doubt. However, before you get into the treatments procedure, you need to realize that there are some things to bear in mind, for instance, getting down to the root of the problem. Until and unless you are fully aware of the condition that you are dealing with, you cannot go in and get it treated permanently. If the issue is not resolved from the core, it becomes difficult to guarantee that it will never occur again.

Excessive hair loss can be identified by noticing a few symptoms, so that you can distinguish whether if it’s thinning, alopecia areata, traction alopecia, or the initial symptoms of balding patches. The way none of us wants to age but have no particular control over it, you can always deal it with confidence, making sure that you are not considering any irrelevant treatment. Utilizing a treatment or products that are irrelevant to your case might have an adverse effect on the health and condition of the texture of your strands. 

On the other hand, the best way to overcome such common issues is by consulting a hair expert for your case before things get out of hand. Wearing a hat, or covering it with a scarf won’t help you in the longer run. Adopting a flat hairstyle can help you out for a specific period of time but then again, it would be similar to hiding the main problem under the rug. Cutting the hair short is not a great way out of the issue. If you have already lost about more than half of your hair, then an easy and cost-effective solution for this is to go in for the non-surgical hair loss treatment Dubai.

Balding patches or thinning hair become more apparent with the passage of time. Therefore, the problem reaches to such an extent that you probably experience a hard time in trying to cover it up. Instant hair fibers are undoubtedly one of the greatest inventions, but when it comes to balding patches, it doesn’t seem to work for most people, which is why getting past excessive hair loss brings you back to the wall. Losing more than 100 strands of hair on a daily basis can not only affect your appearance but can have an adverse effect on your mental health too, since human beings find these features a symbol of beauty. 

Consult a proficient hair loss Dubai so that you can get your problem addressed before it gets complicated for you to keep your head above water.